kailona open source health app on nextcloud visual design and ui kailona open source health app on nextcloud visual design and ui kailona open source health app on nextcloud visual design and ui kailona open source health app on nextcloud visual design and ui kailona open source health app on nextcloud visual design and ui kailona open source health app on nextcloud visual design and ui

website design, UI

kailona open source health app on nextcloud visual design and ui

kailona brand identity, palette

open source health data privacy

identity, UI/UX, wireframe storyboards, website

Interaction design, wireframes and branding for Kailona.

Kailona ("kailo-" Proto-Indo-European for "whole, uninjured, of good omen") provides a global open-source platform for developers that allows individuals to make healthier choices and the research and developer community to accelerate health innovation.
Kailona is an extensible, customizable and secure platform for your private electronic health records (EHR). It is available as Nextcloud application.
The Kailona team is proud to be sponsored by the Prototype Fund, a project of the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Förderkennzeichen 01|S20S38.